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The Bedbug Dilemma

Mar 14, 2024

Depending on the individual’s allergic reaction, the bedbug bites could range anywhere from small red bumps on their body that are similar to a small mosquito or flea bite, to a much larger reaction that could develop into a small sore. Unlike spiders, roaches and various other insects, bedbugs do not travel too far between their nest and their host. It begs the question, how then have they become so bad through the years? Many factors play a role when trying to speculate how bedbugs have become so bad in this region and many other regions across the country. One of the most significant reasons is bedbugs are extremely resistant to pesticides. It is commonly believed that over time bedbugs have developed this resistance to pesticides, thus making it harder and harder through the years for pest professionals to provide control methods.

There are chemicals available for pest professionals to utilize when performing a bedbug treatment; however, it has been proven pesticides do not eliminate bedbug eggs. Pest professionals have various methods to incorporate with their treatment plans. For example, one method for removing bedbug eggs, since chemical options do not eradicate eggs, is using a special vacuum that has what is called a HEPA filter. Most regular vacuums that consumers purchase do not have a sufficient filter to capture bedbug eggs when they are removed from the nesting site. They could simply blow right through the filter due to their tiny size. So, with appropriate vacuuming and the application of chemicals in the correct places, it is possible for a pest professional to achieve control of the infestation. However, our experience through the years is it could require 2, or possibly 3, treatments over the course of a few weeks to get the desired results.

One of the problems with bedbugs is they typically nest on the inner working of box springs, couches, chairs and various furniture items. When this is the case, usually vacuuming and chemicals are not sufficient methods to provide control. Bedbug infestations can be an extremely emotional and psychological strain on an individual. When a problem is discovered, our customers want that problem eradicated as soon as possible. For all of these reasons, we have learned that performing a Heat Treatment is the most effective method for providing total control.

We have safe and proven methods for providing this treatment and walk our customers through a step by step guide to prepare. Bedbugs cannot survive in temperatures above 122 degrees. That temperature level not only kills all of the adult bedbugs but eliminates bedbugs in all stages of growth and most importantly their eggs. We utilize a combination of many methods when providing a bedbug treatment for our customers, but the most important key to our proven success methods are the heat machines that we use. There are many different heat machines available to pest professionals. Some providers will build a heat chamber, which is basically building a tent inside your home and placing as many furniture items inside that chamber as possible. Other companies use powerful heat systems where hoses are run from an exterior trailer unit that houses a large generator with which they begin to heat up the entire space of the home or apartment unit. There are advantages and disadvantages to the different methods that pest professionals provide.

Here at KC Pest Experts, when developing our control methods, we found using machines that heat up the entire space of the home or apartment is the best way to provide effective results. Bedbugs, depending on the severity of the infestation, will travel behind wall voids through electrical outlet covers, behind baseboards and other various spaces. In certain building structure situations, when dealing with a severe bedbug infestation, it is important that the company that provides the heat treatment uses a heat machine that can get to the kill temperature in a very quick time. Hiring a pest professional who uses a heat machine that takes over an hour to climb to the kill temperature creates the risk of allowing the bedbugs to run and scatter behind wall voids to save themselves from the rising temperature. Our heat machines at KC Pest Experts provide the kill temperature within 15 minutes. This avoids that possibility of allowing the bedbugs to spread through walls during a heat process. We then hold that temperature for several hours and use thermal high velocity fans to blow the heat all throughout the home so the inner working of all furniture items gets fully immersed with heat.

The subject “How to get rid of Bedbugs” is something that constantly evolves for pest professionals. Continuing education and studying new and developing products on the market is a pivotal tool to help us confidently provide the service our customers deserve. While we do not foresee bedbugs becoming less prevalent in the next few years, there are things you as an individual can do to protect yourself from a potential infestation. When traveling, make sure and check the seams of the mattress and box springs on which you will be sleeping. Bedbugs look very similar to a tick but are reddish brown in color. Even the country’s nicest hotels encounter bedbug issues. When coming back home from vacation, a business trip or even a friend or relative’s home where you may have resided, make sure and wash your clothes at the soonest availability. If you have the ability to quarantine your luggage to an area away from humans, such as a garage or unfinished basement, take a plastic bag and place the luggage inside that bag for storage. These simple methods will drastically reduce the odds of you infesting your home with bedbugs. We pride ourselves in our ability to solve real problems. Bedbugs are a very real and serious problem that the Kansas City region and beyond are dealing with. While growing up, you never heard of them being an issue. However, since that is no longer the case, it is our mission to be part of the process in helping our region eliminate these parasites. So, maybe you will think twice before saying “Goodnight, sleep tight…. don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

Mosquito - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
14 Mar, 2024
Protecting your home from Mosquitoes has never been more important for the greater Kansas City region. Several confirmed cases of West Nile Virus in the region have caused many to be concerned about mosquitoes In recent years and prompted a desire to figure out a remedy that would be child and pet friendly. Oftentimes eliminating the possibility of being bitten by mosquitoes requires repellents and various chemicals that need to be applied to your skin and clothing prior to being outdoors. Utilizing such methods is not desirable among many individuals who try to avoid chemicals and the harmful after effects of aerosol chemical repellents. Controlling mosquito populations in a yard carries its own unique plan of action to be successful; however, eliminating Mosquitoes in an entire region proves even more difficult. With the Kansas City region being high on a very popular and trusted list of highest mosquito infested regions in the country, now is the time for you to take action to proactively protect your home and yard. KC Pest Experts has developed a mosquito treatment action plan for your yard, eliminating and preventing mosquito populations from thriving. Providing this effective mosquito control treatment for your yard without the fear of using chemicals or any harmful pesticides around your children or pets is the regimen in which KC Pest Experts specializes. We are your number one source for an effective organic and safe mosquito elimination program for your yard. Founder and Owner Aaron Eades has proven the effectiveness of our successful treatment programs in the region for the past 11 years. Because Mosquito viruses are very serious, lacking a plan of action to shield your home from these parasites leaves you vulnerable to multiple problems caused by mosquito bites. The most common mosquito found in the region is the Culex Mosquito. Culex mosquito nesting habits in yards and around homes requires a special machine that will emit our non-chemical organic products so they penetrate those areas. Having your yard treated once every 30 days between March and October will provide the protection you need in order to enjoy your lawn while having the peace of mind that your loved ones are ok. Exceptional customer service is our priority. We never arrive unannounced and always make certain that our technicians provide the greatest service possible in the region. We want a safe but effective control of Mosquitoes in the Kansas City Metro, and our services here at KC Pest Experts provide exactly that. Bite the Itch before it bites you!
Pest Prevention - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
14 Mar, 2024
The professional pest control industry is well equipped to handle a wide array of issues that home owners, business owners and consumers in general through life tend to deal with. Issues such as termite, spider, ant, mosquito, bed bug, roach & rodent infestations just to name a few. When you own a home, rent a home, live in an apartment complex or have a business structure, you can be certain that eventually various pests will attempt to take ownership of your space. This is usually never a pleasant time for the individual dealing with the particular pest issue at hand. Pest professionals all across the United States have various methods and systems utilized to give their customers peace of mind in whatever living / work environment they are in. On a daily basis, here at KC Pest Experts, we help wade our customers through these not so pleasant times, so they can enjoy and feel safe in their living / work environments. If there is one thing I have noticed through the years, serving hundreds upon hundreds of amazing customers, preventative maintenance is the most effective way to keep pest environments controlled. Many companies have different skill sets and methods to address preventative maintenance. One of the most popular methods for a residential home is quarterly pest control service. Every 3 months, a professional technician will service the exterior of a structure, applying products that are safe for children and pets, but are strategically applied to keep all the targeted pests at bay. Different types of structures require different preventative programs depending on if it is a food establishment facility or residential setting etc. Educate yourself about preventative pest control maintenance and research a company before you decide to do business with them. We have learned through the years it is cost effective to control the pests, before they control you. Don’t procrastinate calling a company like ours to prevent pests from becoming an issue. You won’t regret it!
Killing the Bugs - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
14 Mar, 2024
As I’m sitting here thinking about pest control and educating all of our readers, I am in literal shock that it’s already Spring time 2024. The Kansas City Metro is a very interesting environment concerning pests and the severity levels of certain bugs and arachnids. In addition to being surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in the region, large water ways and cities with tens of thousands of residents, we also get a fairly equal dose of all 4 seasons with typically high humidity levels. When you combine these factors while discussing pest populations and heavy infestations of certain types of bugs / spiders, all of these things play a huge role. It is very interesting when we meet customers who move to the Kansas City area from other parts of the country and we learn the differences of our region vs. their prior residence. For instance, recently we met a client from Arizona originally and they were in shock they could walk through their yard barefoot without having to worry about scorpions. While there are some pests we thankfully do not have to worry about, like scorpions, there are others that are very dominant in our region. Two pests that come to mind that seem to be a problem every month out of the year in the Kansas City region are Brown Recluse spiders and Subterranean Termites. As we are thinking about summer and weather transitions etc, there are multiple other pests in the region that will flare up depending on the season we are in. Having your home on a routine pest control maintenance program is the best way to ensure that you can keep the seasonal pests at bay – while also continually attacking the regular pests that are always an issue like the recluse and others. If you have any questions about routine pest control maintenance, don’t hesitate to call our office and speak to one of our experts for a free consultation.
Termites - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
14 Mar, 2024
A better word to describe a termite is Ninja. They work in the dark 24/7, they attempt staying out of sight, they’re extremely destructive and it takes a well trained warrior to defeat them. Using Ninja analogies brings out my inner child and now I most definitely am watching The 3 Ninjas this evening. Eastern Subterranean termites are the type of termite we have to deal with in Kansas City. In different parts of the country there are multiple kinds of termites, in fact over 2000 kinds of termites around the world. Eastern Subterranean termites colonize in the soil. The worker termites go back and forth between the food source and the colony 24/7 365 days a year, never hibernating. When you have a destructive insect whose job is to constantly seek cellulose material, you must make sure your home is not at risk. Termites are virtually everywhere in the soil where there are roots, they feed on tree roots and plant roots, but while they keep expanding their colony and continue foraging forward, if your home is encountered, a small gap not much larger than a human hair is all a termite needs to continue their search for wood inside your home. When selling / purchasing a home, termite inspections are an incredibly smart thing to have done. We hear from clients, “I’ve never seen a termite and I’ve lived here 30 years.” However, oftentimes termites are doing their damage in the shadows in places you would never think to inspect or notice. We have witnessed termite issues in old home and termite issues in brand new homes. Many variables are involved when performing an inspection. There are preventative measures you can take to make sure these destructive little insects do not cause damage to one of your greatest investments. Speak to a professional about your options and create a barrier of protection to stop them before they go full on Ninja destruction in the shadows. Don’t hesitate to call us here at KC Pest Experts, as we do not charge to provide you a free inspection and consultation!
Pest Control Specialist - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
14 Mar, 2024
Summer is right around the corner. Spring is here, but will be leaving us with a plethora of pest issues in the greater Kansas City area. If you spend any amount of time outdoors, you are sure to have been swarmed by the annoying Buffalo Gnat. These parasites have appeared to be exceptionally worse and active in recent years. Probably like many other professional pest control companies, our phones have been extremely active with customers seeking solutions to the horrific gnat swarms in recent years. Buffalo Gnats are a very interesting little creature that are most active between the months of May and July. Interestingly, the female gnats get their food from the blood of their host. Usually this host is a bird, a cow or various other animals. Sometimes, unfortunately, that host is a human. Like many in the Kansas City region, you have been bit by these aggressive pests. It is not likely that a Gnat could transmit a disease to a human, but they have been known to cause issues to cows and other animals. Male Gnats get their food source from Nectar, so if you have been bit recently, you can blame it on the females. The biggest reason gnat issues can be overwhelming in your yard and surrounding areas is due to the rate at which females reproduce. Female gnats are known to lay between 300 – 500 eggs in one cycle. Speak to a professional for options to treat your yard and prevent these creatures from bothering you. However, if that is not an option, try using insect repellants. There are many brands on the market now that are all natural and essential oil based. The natural products in our experience work well, but need reapplied more often than regular insect repellant. Call us here at KC Pest Experts for your free consultation and quote to keep your home and yard pest free this year!
Cockroach Infestation - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
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Dog - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
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 Carpenter Ant Infestation - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
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Pest Control - Rush, NY - Target Pest Control
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